Friday, November 13, 2009


Today's Thankful post is for & about the the kids I've known.
Kids have taught me more than anyone else. It sounds cliche but there is so much that can be gained from knowing a child.
This photo is posted w/the baby's Mom's permission of course. It's one of my favorites. To me besides being so's a reminder of what I wish for all children. I have been exceptionally blessed to know several families that are incredible in so many ways...I try to be very general and discrete in all cases, & so for the most part try to express my complete awe to them directly.
I'm not going to say how many families there are, who they are, many have never met one another, & if they did I wouldn't say...but all are so important to me, & have taught me so much.
W/these families who adore their children, the way these do, it's a completely different experience. I love the children no more or less than I would otherwise, but it has been so wonderful to see what is possible! In these families the children are adored & appreciated for who they truly are. Kids who are cared about & for as I dream is possible for all! These families have made me better in so many ways!
I've been taking care of kids for as long as I can remember. It was the most obvious thing in life to me that you take care of those younger than you, or that needed it. Every child deserved to be loved, protected, & cared for. I've never met an unlovable child & know I never will!

Over the years I've been blessed to have known & taken care of well over a thousand children. Some for a very short time...others for a week or more straight. The situations, were as different as the children themselves. I'm glad to have known all, but the hardest were not because of the babies personalities, or anything they was because I was caring for them for only a few hours or a night, not knowing who would have them next, or if they would be loved...I pray they were. I think I remember each, I know I remember so, so many. The longer I knew them, the more great memories I have, & the wonderful things I learned about each child. I loved reading stories, singing songs, & "counting" with them all the people who loved them so much.
I hated when they were sick, & I rocked many as long as they needed. Admittedly, at times crying w/them. I tried not to, especially if I was scared, but never figured that out well.

I have wished I knew of somethings then, that I know now. I wish a lot of things, because I know success is when a child is as happy, healthy, & secure in every way as possible. I always have wanted the best for all of them, & did all I knew at the time to help them feel & be all that is good & possible!

Every child being so unique it was a whole new world w/every single child. I loved hearing them tell me stories. Seeing them learn something new, especially if it was something they had tried so hard to do. Over the years I have been given so many pictures, letters, poems, you name it that now fill 7 full 5 inch binders. I will never just throw those away, but hope to scan many to preserve them, & to save room for the other things that have no other way, treasures that no one would ever know the meaning of...but was made & given to me by a child who put a lot of thought & effort making them.

To those kids out there,
I guarantee I remember & care about you, that will NEVER change no matter what! I would also never want to embarrass anyone, one of the reasons I am so careful about what I say.

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