Today's thankful post is about religion, as a whole, not mine alone. This song to me fits what I think. It is ♫We are one♫ by the Veronica's. It is what I wish more people could see, & appreciate...we are still all People. We may worship in all different ways, with very different beliefs, but when each finds the way that is right for much good can happen. I have seen people of all religions helped through the worst of life through their faith. Ideally it can bring strength, comfort, & hope. Those are things that everyone needs.
Of course no religion is free from extremes, or people who hurt others, but that doesn't mean they are representing all. People who hurt in the name of religion are seldom truly following the religion they claim to be. Likewise religion doesn't make people automatically good, there are in fact wonderful people who are atheists, but do much more for the well being of others than those who claim they are the most perfect. Judging a religion by a small few, or rumors, seldom gives a good idea of the people who are members & doing their best to follow. I am no different, having been hurt by some members of a religion, I still find it hard to let go of the pain caused. It seems too often we are separated, religion against religion, people against people.
I have seen amazing things when religions come together. For many years I was blessed to know of a group that helped homeless families. It consisted of members of so many religions, working side by side to help wonderful families who had lost their homes. It was very successful in helping almost all recover, & we did so together. Everyone contributed, various religions taking turns hosting the families, they & volunteers staying in their house of worship. Not all of us who stayed were members of the religion of that church, but we treated it with all the respect we would our own. We worked side by side to gather & or make donations. We were not divided by our religions, we knew of each others, but didn't fight about it. We didn't speak of your belief or my belief between us we spoke only of our
. We worked as one, loved as one, we were there for the same purpose, to help. I know of so many other ways religions have helped, together, without fighting, hating, or hurting. We are one...& that one, can accomplish amazing things together.
I wish we could understand one another a little better, get along a lot better, and that more people understood that a religious book, is a religious book, no matter the religion or who believes it. A sacred place, or church is important, because for believer's it's a huge part of their world. Regardless of the religion, I still cry for the believer, when any building or important item for them is vandalized or destroyed.
Their religion doesn't change those feelings, or the importance of what is sacred to them.
In my life I have been helped & loved by People who were Christians, Buddhist, Jewish, Atheists & many more. I am grateful to them all, & what their beliefs gave them!
"First they came for the communists,
and I did not speak out—
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists,
and I did not speak out—
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I did not speak out—
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews,
and I did not speak out—
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—
and there was no one left to speak out for me."
-attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller
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